Massgrav YouTubiana
This is where we'll give you some YouTube stuff.

Live in Moscow, ProBar100 October18, 2009. Part I

Live in Moscow, ProBar100 October18, 2009. Part II

Live in Moscow, ProBar100 October18, 2009. Part III

Live in Moscow, ProBar100 October18, 2009. Part IV

Live in Moscow, ProBar100 October18, 2009. Part V

Live at Snövit, Stockholm, 2009. Part I

Live at Snövit, Stockholm, 2009. Part II

Live at Kafé 44, 28 November 2006. Nine songs, ten minutes.

"Live at the studio", from the recording of Napalm öfver Stureplan, 2004.

Dörrterror (KSMB cover), live at Kafé 44, 15 March 2005.

Sur och jävlig, live at Kafé 44, 15 March 2005.

Alla punkare e horor, live at Kafé 44, 15 March 2005.

Blåst på konfekten and Hatfylld och nerpissad, live at Obscene Extreme Fest 2006 in the Czech Republic.

Skända flaggan, live at Punkfest 10 Umeå, 4 October 2008.

Jag vill också spela power violence, Sur och jävlig and När ska massan resa sig, 15 July 2005 at the Yellow Dog Festival in Germany.

Ett korståg mot långsam käng and Sur och jävlig, live at Kungen Sandviken, 13 July 2007.

Jag vill också spela power violence, Nu blåser vi snuten, Göran Perssons lögner - Svea Rikes lag, live at Pub Bastun, Åland, 30 September 2006.