Massgrav in Russia 2009
Read the giglog as well!
Waiting for Max at the station, wondering whether the tour is over or not
Joy! Ove discovers a beer has broken in his bag. Beer soaked merch shirts, anyone?
Somebody left some very good looking old books in the street
Forever walking. From the underground to Nikitas flat is a very very long way to walk. Especially when you're carrying 27 kilos of junk.
ESPECIALLY when Max gets lost and has to ask for the way.
Visual misery-porn
Ove's drum clinic. Nikita tries to figure out how the hell he does it
Nikita and Ola
Norse, little Anton and Max, breaking bread. And fast.
Next time, you may wanna clean your bus windows, ok?
Drinking on the bus. Nikita prefers the bus, as you're less likely to be searched by the cops on the bus.
Oustide Max's house on Nevsky Prospekt - the best band name ever: Videokontroll! We're not using it, it's all yours. Don't say we never gave you anything!
Max's house. Hopefully, the entire house may be turned into one giant elevator, according to him.
Heading to Castle Records
Oldskool graffitti outside Castle Records
Shake a leg
The Amsterdam of the north: St Petersburg
The cathedral of st pete, a copy of the Peters dome in the vatican.
Unfortunately, nobody else wanted to go in here so I'll never find out what it's like.
Ok, no coffe between 11 and 21, monday to sunday. Or what?
The Hermitage. Damn impressive place!
Moped freaks outside the Hermitage
In swedish, this must be called "vattenkammo", which is funny when you're a bit drunk.
The bear and the girl
Matfylld och nerpizzad
You're not allowed to take pictures in the st pete subway, hence the crappy photo. What they're afraid of, nobody knows.
'Here's a nice, muddy spot - let's set up our water melon shop here'
The Russian Roland Cedermark
These signs are on every building in Russia - we'd love to know what they are
Flat Club, St Petersburg
Dennis, drummer extraordinaire of Zorka
The bar at Flat Club
Merchenaries abroad, soliders of (a rather small) fortune
Eroguro on stage
The mighty backstage area, where people steal your beer and oogle you when you change your underwear
Vintage Mob 47 pirate shirt on the singer of Eroguro
Dennis, grinding
Zorka play and the crowd is fucking NUTS
Little Anton - front row banger/surfer/mosher
Swedish bands galore in the distros
Mohawks st pete
Fucking and fighting under the fussball table
Distress people and some bearded, ugly guy
Nikita shares the love
Would you buy a used car from these guys?
Indy, you should have been there
About to go off
Mob of st pete
Squeal like a pig!
Two sweaty, happy dorks
Anton - forever cursing! Background: suspected beer thief
Mr punkrock, very pleased with his tattoo
Part of our entourage while rushing to the busstopp
Norse + backup
Train station for southbound trains, St Pete - goodlooking place w awsome map of the entire rail system of Russia
Mucho luxurious
Max, Ola, Norse, Max's girlfriend
Suddenly, out of nowhere, this Russian lady appeared, speaking perfect swedish. Very unexpected!
Here are the times for our train, in case you're wondering
getting cozy on the train
Beer drinkers and hell raisers